Carla Trahan
Carter Fox
At Rensselear’s Big Z Cross Country Invite, junior Carter Fox placed first overall for the first time in his high school career. Fox set a personal record of 17.20 during the 3.1-mile race. His new personal record was 28 seconds faster than his previous time set at the Bison Stampede. Fox said,” My goal for the rest of the season is to keep improving myself and also as a team.” He also stated, “My favorite part about cross country is the amount of competitiveness.” Juniors Jonah Flemming and Grady Rudolph also placed in the top twenty finishers. Sophomore Matthew McKinnis ran a time of 18:50 and placed fifteenth overall. The boys placed 2nd at the Big Z Invite.
During the girls’ race, freshman Loralei Raymon and junior Sienna Holscher ran phenomenal times of 21:11 and 22:22, respectively.
The boys and girls teams will travel to Rensselaer the next two Saturdays to compete in the Hoosier Conference (10.11) and Sectional (10.19) races. This group of phenomenal athletes has many miles to go!