Avery Hardebeck
CNA Students (L to R): Maci King, Catie Musser, Bella Gross, Chauncey Keller, and Emi Rodriguez.
On November 14, Benton Central’s CNA Program is hosting a blood drive for BC students and staff. Donating blood helps save lives across the country. Today, we interviewed CNA students to get a better understanding of their thoughts and role within the drive!
Why is it important to take part in the blood drive?
Chauncey Keller says, “Millions of people need their lives saved, 1 in every 5 people needs blood sometime throughout their life, and every 2 seconds someone needs blood.”
What impact does donating have on people?
Maci King says, “Donating blood saves lives each and every day.”
Where can people sign up to donate?
Catie Musser says, “There are flyers located around the school with a QR code to sign up.”
What do you say to someone who wants to donate blood, but is scared?
Bella Gross says, “It’s okay, and I will be there to hold your hand. Just think about the idea that you are saving lives! The process itself is not that long.”
What are the requirements to donate?
Emily Rodriguez says, “You have to be 16 and at least 110 pounds to donate with a signed permission slip!”
To donate, you have to have parental permission through a form found in Mrs. Thornbrough’s classroom, S154, and sign up on the QR code found on flyers. On the day of the donation, donors should get enough rest, eat a good meal, and drink plenty of fluids! If you have any questions, feel free to ask Mrs. Thornbrough or CNA students. All members of the community, students or not, are welcome to donate. Go to the link below and enter bencenhs to find a slot to donate!