Bella Holder
Wyatt Amor, Jacob Tepool, Byran Cortes, Bella Gross, Reece Kerkhoff, Kaysie Anthrop, and Catie Musser in their Senior Sport Portraits, respectively.
Benton Central’s 2024 Fall sports have now all experienced their senior night. There are a vast amount of seniors in each sport. The fall sports that Benton Central offers are Co-ed Cross Country, Cheerleading, Football, Girls’ Volleyball, Girls’ Golf, Girls’ Soccer, and Boys’ Soccer. A senior was selected from each sport and interviewed on their feelings about the season.
Senior Athletes
Wyatt Amor was our selected Cross Country runner. Wyatt had participated in Cross Country in junior high and this was his first year participating in high school. Wyatt’s overall feelings about this season coming to an end and being a senior is that it went by faster than he expected. His favorite memory was sharing special moments with his teammates at the windmill and looking at the windmill. The advice that he gives to future runners and underclassmen is to not let anything stop you from doing your best, not even injuries.
Bella Gross was our selected Cheerleader. She has been a Varsity Cheerleader for 4 years. Bella is glad that football season is almost over but sad that it has gone by so quickly. Her favorite memory from her cheer career was when a basketball was coming at Claire Creek and she pushed Bella into the ball. Her advice to future cheerleaders is to enjoy the little things because they won’t last forever.
Bryan Cortes was our selected football player. He has been playing football for 3 years. He states “It feels great to be a senior and it went by faster than I thought. I really wish I would’ve enjoyed more of the season than I did!” His favorite memories from playing football have been hanging out with the team before and after games. He advises any future football players to go 100 percent during practice, do their best at their lowest, and not let any mistake get to them because it will mess them up even more.
Catie Musser was our selected Volleyball player. She has been playing volleyball for 4 years. Catie is sad that she is senior but she says it’s been a good four years with a great team and she has grown so much as an athlete. Her favorite memories of playing volleyball come from the team sleepovers they have. She advises all future volleyball players to remember success takes time and to always be patient with yourself.
Kaysie Anthrop was our selected Girl’s Golf player. Kaysie Anthrop has been playing for 4 years. Her overall feelings about being a senior and her season coming to an end are that she is sad about it, but it is also a bittersweet moment. One of her favorite memories from her career is when Lily Etter (2024 Graduate) found random berries on trees and made the team eat them. The advice that Kaysie gives to future players and underclassmen is to enjoy the sport, and the little moments because it doesn’t last forever.
Reece Kerkhoff was our selected Girl’s Soccer player. Reece has played Varsity Soccer all 4 of her high school years. Reece states that she is sad soccer is over and the season went by super quick. Reece’s favorite memory from soccer was going to Olive Garden with the team her sophomore year. She advises all future soccer players to always triple knot their shoelaces so they don’t have to stop and tie them.
Jacob Tepool was selected as our Boy’s Soccer player. He has played since his freshman year. His overall feelings about being a senior and his season coming to an end is that it is sad but he is happy that he was able to play all the years that he did and that this year was the best out of his career. Jacob also said that he would miss the sport and his team greatly. His favorite memory from his career was beating Catholic Central two years ago with a last-second goal made by Spencer Flook. The advice that he gives to future players and underclassmen is to keep Coach Warf happy, and good things will come. He also quoted their team motto, “Get better every day.”